Saturday, December 3, 2011

Be Wary of Settlement

I am told to keep to the path, but how do I know which is "the path"?
All my life I have been given a path to follow, then directed the way of keeping to that path.
Should I have a choice?
Should I not be able to uncover my own path and struggle along to discover my own way to follow it?
Keep to the path is false.
Keep to my path is true.
Be careful to never lose your individuality and conform with those who hold their chins high and true selves behind and appealing mask.
Unveil yourself; so when when another chooses to love you, they will love you and not you which has been artificially developed.

Love that is given
Only in the presence of
Others that require it
Will dwindle to nothing,
Even behind you
Without warning.

Be wary of settlement.
To sit on a bed of hay
Not realizing a pin may
Prick from beneath comfort.

Remaining in a direction
Merely laid out for you
Is inviting the needle to
Invade your future.

Love that is given
Without expecting
Return or praise
Is most pure and
Will be noticed.
So, be wary of settlement.

Decisions appear out of thin air all throughout my life, so I must be prepared to face such choices. Do not allow yourself to doubt your instinct. People are innately good, until a corrupt, external force pressures them to be otherwise. Importance of heeding advice is necessary, yet our own personal long-term desires must become rigid in our mind. Develop morals and be ready to act in any situation, at any time and with anyone.

Keep to your path.
Allow other to only allow the aid your desire and not so much to influence different direction.
Be wary of settlement. The world is ever changing, so should you be.
Give love, without expecting love in return.
Balance should always be the dream.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preventing Friendship Disaster

Friendship means the world to meThe bonds we create are to be treasured for lifetimes and hopefully never torn apart by fissures of misunderstandings. 

There isn’t a day my thoughts don’t wander to those closest to me in my life. They occupy my mind more than my own aspirations, dreams and wonders. Yet, how tender and fragile these bonds can be, or seem to be. At any moment a circumstance, an assumed truth or a piece of misplaced evidence can cause all sorts of natural disasters to once strong and blooming pieces of artwork. If only we could always realize how much damage can be done and how difficult it is after a hurricane to re-build a home that was once filled with memories, goals achieved and plenty of smiles.

What is the best way to prevent natural disasters within our bonds with others? 
Forgiveness. To come to the realization that it is not our job to judge or fix another just because we do not agree. Instead, with those closest to us, we must just simply be there. Be there when they need you most. When they need a shoulder to cry on. When they need a little more advice than their conscious can provide. When they need someone to listen. 
That is our responsibility in a friendship: To be there and to love them for who they are, cause there is never anything better.

“If hurricanes, earthquakes and twisters are so devastating and disastrous, then why, in our everyday relationships, do we welcome them with open arms?”

This is a quote I thought up today that inspired the topic of this post. What do you think? 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Those Little Blessings

What am I thankful for?
This is a rather large question with a limitless amount of answers.
You go around a circle of people and every once in a while someone will say…
“I am thankful for all the little things in life.”
Yet, what the person usually forgets to do is explain what these ‘little things’ are! Maybe because to elaborate would take a very long time, given that there are so many of these ‘little things’ in life. In my own opinion, I think that the list of ‘little things’ will always depend upon the person. Everyone has their own unique list. So then to answer the question of what I am thankful for I will provide my own list of the little blessings in my life.

My little blessings lately include,
  •           The support given to inspire my talents
  •           Cookie dough ice cream
  •           The ability to see, hear, comprehend and speak
  •           Penguins
  •           Glee, Modern Family and other shows to provide procrastination
  •           Frozen yogurt
  •           American freedom
  •           Sweatpants
  •           Carpet and indoor heating
  •           Disney World
  •           Poetry
  •           Books like Harry Potter and the Hunger Games
  •           Dreams
  •           Journals
  •           The stars in the sky
  •           The love given by those closest to me

…and so much more. I sort of dislike making this list for the same reason the Federalists didn’t want to have a Bill of Rights. Sometimes if you make a list then what is on the list is thought to be of more importance then what is not. Remember what I said earlier: the answer is limitless. This is merely a list of the things I am grateful for that crossed my mind while typing this post. There will always be more bullet points to add to it. Never allow there to be a limit for what you are thankful for!

I love this holiday, not only because of the family and the food, but also because it means Christmas is just around the corner. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Written Desires

What do I desire most in life?
The question has lingered on my mind for quite a while unable to escape from my subconscious. Seems like all the answers lie within those dreams you wake up frustrated that you can't remember, even with a dream journal right there next to you.
I'd like to think I am looking and hoping to discover my niche, the pattern of life I will uphold and call my own.
Yet, is that really what I desire? To fall into ritual, keep to a schedule and fulfill what society says is to be fulfilled during one's life. Is there another way? Maybe, maybe not.
I may not have the answer, but I do have a few items that I desire greatly in life that I will share with you.

I'd like to discover light.
And I'm not just talking about the spotlight (although that is a prominent dream of mine). When I say light, I'm more speaking of knowledge. I want to know, ponder and discover. The unknown, the darkness, is enough to both provide endless nightmares and mind infuriating collections of thoughts. To not know is a part of life, yet it can be very frustrating. Sometimes I wish to have the ability to read another's mind; to know exactly what they're thinking. It'd be easier, but more likely more of a curse than a blessing. I will never know everything, but I will also never stop chasing that impossible destination.

I'd like to discover purpose.
Someday I'd like to be sitting in a rocking chair somewhere looking out on a beautiful sunset holding the hand of someone I have endured much with and know that my life has had purpose; a reason and end result that in some way helped others discover theirs as well. I aspire to inspire. To provide that push for someone to follow their dream the way people have pushed me. Service is the act of selfless love to another; and it's co-partner is charity. If I go a day without an act of kindness, I have had a day without reason or purpose. The moment me becomes more important than they is the moment my soul shall waste away.

I'd like to discover excellence.
"Never settle with mediocrity, when around the corner awaits excellence."
I must never let excellence sit and wait so far out of reach. Keep excellence within grasp and never allow the misleading comfort of 'average' destroy the desire to be the best you can be. There will never be perfection; for to achieve that is meant to be impossible. If it were possible, than there would be an end to dreams and goals. To dream is healthy; and to have a goal is to be in good health. Turn your dreams into goals! Make them reachable! Write them down! Do not give up because of necessity for perfection; but instead always strive for excellence.

I'd like to discover love.
I know that I have yet to really realize the infinite power that is eternal love between two people. I have had tastes of other kinds of love; my family, my pets and other close friends that occupy daily thoughts and concerns. But to experience the emotion, the sacrifice and the devotion of marriage is something greatly anticipated and should never be dealt with anything except the greatest care. Love has no bounds. I will not be limited by pressure nor belief. Love is one of those few choices that is truly yours. Do not ever allow anything to stop love from merely happening.

What do I desire most?
I may never know.

A brand new blog.

S0. I have decided to begin blogging.

For a couple years I have kept journals quite religiously, but from what I hear blogging is an entirely different experience that I must take part in.

My username is Be the Purple Penguin. This was inspired by a quote I created that reads,
“When among a herd of black and white penguins, be the one painted purple.”

This quote is all about being different, which everyone has felt in some way or another. Difference is important and necessary to being human. What would life be if everyone shared the same experiences, traits and ideas? A black and white life that would be. Instead, we live in this colorful, this purple, life filled with innovative minds, artistic creations and genuine smiles. That is the life worth living.